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“The orchards have a built-in irrigation system, so when a fire starts, the landscape is already watered,” said Sean Doran, a fire captain with the Orange County Fire Authority.

In addition to First Amendment protection afforded to all public employees, many federal statutes have specific built-in protections for agency workers, to stabilize the federal government and guard against the whims of politicization.

From Salon

While this built-in immunity is good news for the ducks, it can also allow for greater chance of reassortment — when viruses share genetic material — increasing the risk of another pandemic like COVID-19.

From Salon

Many devices will have a built-in timer and turn on a light when a new filter is due.

So, maybe you can understand why an advert showcasing built-in AI features writing someone’s Christmas card caused me to fling expletives through the air like verbal snowballs.

From Salon


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


