salt of earth
Example Sentences
The Lord's Apostles are the salt of earth; Let salt not lose its savour!
"Let the salt of earth enable the thin fluid to assume the virtue of the teeming sea!"
Thy merit, goodness, value, worth, Expedience, utility— O manna, honey, salt of earth, I sing, I chant, I worship thee!
Diana and Emma delighted to discover that they were each the rebel of their earlier and less experienced years; each a member of the malcontent minor faction, the salt of earth, to whom their salt must serve for nourishment, as they admitted, relishing it determinedly, not without gratification.
Diana and Emma delighted to discover that they were each the rebel of their earlier and less experienced years; each a member of the malcontent minor faction, the salt of earth, to whom their salt must serve for nourishment, as they admitted, relishing it determinedly, not without gratification.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.