

View definitions for involuntary impulse

involuntary impulse

noun as in knee-jerk

noun as in knee-jerk reaction

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Example Sentences

Why does not our involuntary impulse always make the table turn?

Upon some wholly involuntary impulse, he withdrew Sister Winifred's gift, and transferred it to another pocket.

The panther was slain, not from a view to the relief of my hunger, but from the self-preserving and involuntary impulse.

Lee and his staff almost with involuntary impulse returned the salute in like fashion.

I knew that Abel was not intoxicated, but simply excited, and I had no fear on his account: I obeyed an involuntary impulse.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


