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tidbit is a synonym of goody

noun [ tid-bit ]

tidbit is another word for goody

✅ A goody is something pleasing, generally a treat of some kind like candy or cake (We brought goodies back from the party).

✅ A tidbit is a small, delicate morsel of food (The table was covered with little tidbits for us to snack on).

✅ While both goody and a tidbit can refer to small pieces of enjoyable and special food, goody is usually used in the plural, goodies, and it generally suggests sweet food (I got lots of goodies for my nieces while I was away).

Tidbit suggests something sweet or savory that is not necessarily a treat (I wasn’t very hungry, so I just had some tidbits for dinner).

Try describing the kinds of tidbits you might get at a party, with the help of Grammar Coach.

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entry is a synonym of access

noun [ en-tree ]

entry is another word for access

Access refers to the right or ability to approach, enter, or use something (He had access to the garden).

Entry refers to the right to enter something (She was denied entry).

Access is a more general word than entry, as it can also refer to the ability to use or reach something (I couldn’t get access to the house because the drive was overgrown).

Write about someone being denied entry to a party or event, with the help of Grammar Coach.

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youthful is a synonym of young

adjective [ yooth-fuhl ]

youthful is another word for young

Young and youthful can both describe being in an early stage of life, or seeming like it (a young kitten; a youthful man).

Young is a pretty general word, used to refer to things that are immature or still developing (a young tree; She’s a bit young for that TV show).

Youthful is usually used to refer to things that have the positive qualities of being young, like hopefulness, enthusiasm, and health, or that seem young in terms of appearance or manner (Her sense of fun kept her feeling youthful).

Describe a strangely youthful person with the help of Grammar Coach.

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