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D’Agostino said the utility brought in social scientists to try and get a better gauge on how people react to different kinds of warnings.

Samples from the first five volunteers reacted to both tuberculosis and Candida.

It is to generally be disposed to act and react to the world as if that is so.

In 2011, Jason Moser studied how the brain reacts when people make an error.

The police were clearly confused by my reaction, but I didn’t know how else to react.

From Ozy

People watch night soaps because the genre allows them to believe in a world where people just react off their baser instincts.

I know, some of you will now react by saying that the Netanyahu government supports a Palestinian state.

Instead of reacting to Republican proposals, President Obama is forcing Republicans to react to him.

These insights and discoveries help PepsiCo anticipate, rather than react to, an ever-changing consumer landscape.

The country has the ability to react very quickly because of the experience of the physicians and the political will to do so.

But Most's attitude toward me will influence them: it will dampen their enthusiasm, and thus react on the propaganda.

As to walking, though the earth be stepped on by the feet, it does not react (or, experience) as a consequence.

But as yet this feeling had not begun in any way to react upon the army.

Take, for instance, the matter of a caress or an embrace—how would you react to repeated rebuff?

This pressure soon began to react upon the centers of Latin culture.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


